Relaxing, Supportive Comfort for Your Work Space

As a Manager at my day job I noticed an increase in folks having issues with their Wrists, Elbows and Arms when working long hours at the computer. CushArm was created to help provide Comfort and Support for those who work at the Computer or Laptop. I use mine every day and have noticed a huge difference. I think its partly because of the 100% Organic Buckwheat Hull filling and the 100% cotton soft cover. Its nice to rest your arm and wrists on something that's not plastic or metal.

For home or your office workspace you will Love our CushArm Product suite.

•Unique Variety of Laptop, Computer Arm, Wrist, Elbow Supports. All made with Soft Cotton Washable Removable Covers filled with our Lightweight 100% Organic Buckwheat Hull. Available in the Original CushArm and the CushArm Mini. The CushArm Mini is perfect for a Standing Desk or a smaller workspace. The CushArm can be used for wrist support at the keyboard or to support the entire arm when working the mouse.

•Heat or Freeze Spa Relaxation Neck Wraps and Body Squares filled with Flaxseed. All made with premium cotton fabric. Perfect for relaxing after a long day. Heat in the microwave or place in the freezer for a Natural Hot or Cold Pack. Removable matching covers are also available for the neck wraps.

•Heat or Freeze Supportive Backrests for your Workspace Chair filled with Flaxseed. The Backrest has a removable counter weight to make it easy to unsnap and bring with you on your commute to work. Also made with premium cotton fabrics.

There is a huge selection to choose from for all ages. I also accept custom orders if you have a specific workspace need.